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Case Studies
The case studies include varied rangeland management approaches. Farmers use cattle and/or small stock as a main enterprise and many have game as well. Some farmers bale hay from planted pastures or from the veld, others plant cover crops grazed by livestock and alternate with cash crops. Some combine their approach with various bush control or landscape rehydration methods. Many use invader bush as a resource to help pay for the transition to one of the four key innovations responsible for their success. Table 2 is a summary of all 16 case studies, from which you can select a study that fits your circumstances. The case studies include a wide range of successes. Highlights of these successes include the following: ​
The choice of grazing approach that suits the needs and which enables improved and resilient stocking rates, even during the drought period in 2019.
Unravelling the challenge of sandy soils and how best to man- age them by applying animals at high density in the wet season and low density in the dry season.
Innovative, rainfall-independent solutions for recovery periods (particularly for the southern regions).
Innovative ways of dealing with bush encroachment, where some farmers have decided to make money out of re-sprouting bush rather than trying to get rid of it.
The choice of animal combinations that have resulted in a two- to threefold increase in stocking rates, with limited destocking required during the 2019 drought.
Lambing percentages in excess of 150% and calving percent- ages above 80%.
Weaning calves that are 50% of the weight of the cows that produced them.
The effective management of predator problems by combining diff erent methods such as electric fencing, kraaling at night, guard dogs, and herding.
Selection of early-maturing animals, from the area, that gain weight fast.
Increased biodiversity, increased forage production, and increased greening into the dry season.
Reduced lick costs as well as other input costs.
for part-time farmers.These farmers are examples of true leaders in this fi eld, and with the courage of their convictions they have pursued new solutions for some of the most challenging problems that Namibia faces. -
The successful application of management approaches suitable
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